Friday, August 6, 2010


According to the gurus on running, you shouldn't run more than 300-400 miles in your shoes, depending on your weight and the terrain you typically run on. Wearing worn-out shoes is the #1 cause of running injuries and muscle fatigue.

I just crunched some numbers, and I'm way overdue. Like, 300 miles overdue actually. I skipped a whole pair. I've been alternating back and forth between a couple of pairs, but both are so worn down.

Maybe that's partly why I've haven't been feeling the love on the asphalt so much lately. I kind of just chalked it up to the heat. But maybe it's been a combo of both.

And I think I need to reload my iPod with some fresh tunes. That might help bring back the love.

So today at lunch, I finally made it over to one of my favorite places. Runners Den. I love that place. It's over in Phoenix on 16th Street and Maryland, not too far from my office.

I made a new friend at the store, too. Well, sort of. Not like I'll ever see him again until I go back next time, but he was really nice. He's a small, thin man - totally looks like a runner - and he made me laugh a ton. He treated me like the runner I want to become instead of the runner I am. When he asked when I bought my last pair, I told him I wasn't 100% sure (probably about 10 months ago?) and asked him to look it up in my file.

Yes, I have a file.

Actually, everyone who buys shoes there has a file. It's not like I'm special.

He said, "So it was before your marathon in January, right?" He smiled.

Me: "Um...I didn't run a marathon in January, but yes, it was before then."

His name is Craig. He's 56 and he's definitely on my Hero List. He's running the St. George marathon next month and this will be his 200th marathon! No, that wasn't a typo. Seriously....200 marathons in one lifetime. And he's still going!!! He says he wants to be running marathons when he's 82. Every single Saturday, he does a long run. And by long, I mean 15-20 miles. Craziness. He runs 7-8 marathons a year.

I can't even imagine. I've never heard of someone who has so many miles under his belt.

As he was fitting me for my shoes, he asked me if I was in a running group, because "you should find a group to run with if you're going to be ready for your marathon this January." Again, treating me like the runner I aspire to be. He gave me a couple of suggestions on how to find a running group. He's been running with his group for 24 years. Apparently there's a whole bunch of insane marathoners out there who have logged a zillion plus miles.

I told him that my husband was running the next half marathon with me in November. I'm really excited about that. I'm not sure that Ryan's all that excited about it yet, but I know it will be a great experience for him. Having that goal out there is so motivating. My Runner's Den friend said that after 36 years of marriage, his wife isn't a runner yet. He's still convinced that someday she'll start.

So I'm all pumped up about my cool new shoes and excited to start breaking them in tomorrow morning. I was a little pokey on my run this morning so it's time for some Saturday speed redemption. And truth be told, my wheels were spinning the whole drive back to my office. 26.2. Could I do it? Do I want to do it? Should I do it?

Yes, I think I could, should, will. In 2011. My 40th year.


  1. Do it and maybe I will in my 40th year, 2015.

  2. You go girl. I don't even have anything close to a marathon itch yet, probably never will. I'll be content if I get up to Turkey Trot shape again. In fact, I wear my TT tshirt from 2 years ago all the time and with pride. Good luck in your training. You're awesome.
