Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good Season, Rockies!

Rowan had so much fun playing ball this season. It was her first year and she looked forward to every game. She wasn't ready for the season to end and was disappointed when we told her it was her last game. Thankfully, she cheered up at the prospect of trophies and a little party afterwards. And the treats. Sometimes it seems like it's all about the treats at this age. But I think it's good that they start early and develop a love for the game.

We lost a couple of players throughout the season (one moved up, one stopped coming) and then the week before the season ended, both Josh (the character giving the thumbs up) and Zeth (the kid in the back row) both broke their arms. So we ended the season with a team of six. Thank goodness it was coach pitch and one of Rowan's older sisters filled in for catcher. We almost fielded a full team. Kudos to my friend, Nicole (Josh's mom) for stepping in to coach and for Ryan being there to assist and pitch at all the games.

Check out that stance and those muscle legs. She's a little jock in the making.

I love this picture. I love that Ryan is right there on the field teaching Rowan how to be ready for the ball. Too bad that at age 6 the attention span only lasts about 3 minutes before the kids are looking around at the other games, waving to friends, picking flowers, talking to the opposing team base runners, or heaven knows what else. It was kind of funny watching the attention deteriorate over the course of the game, but mostly just a little frustrating. Instinctively, I just want them to already know and love the game and be so much better than they are. I know, baby steps. It takes time and practice and age, I get it. Still, I hope and look forward to future years at the ball park when the talent has developed and the drive is there. Not that I would wish this time away for anything - really, I wouldn't - but as I sit on the sidelines or base coach at third, I still hope.

I loved that Rowan was always aggressive at the plate and usually made good contact in her at bats. Look at that face. She's ready to hit!

It was fun to watch you play, Rowan. You had a great season and I am proud to be your mama!

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