Wednesday, June 29, 2011
new digs for lunch
It's on Camelback just west of Scottsdale Rd by the Waterfront (just west of PF Changs on south side of Camelback). It's part of the Fox Restaurant chain (Sauce, True Food, Wildflower, Olive & Ivy, etc.). I'm going back...
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Mountain View All Stars 2011
But they're not. They played a great game last night against Apache Junction and lost 6-5 at the end. We were up 5-4 going into the bottom of the 5th, but they scored two and we couldn't come back in the 6th. Afton started and played a great game at second base getting lots of action. In her second at bat (she walked the first time up), Afton took one deep into right for a triple and 2 RBI's. She then scored on an RBI double by Riley Colvin, our friend and neighbor. She went down swinging at a high pitch after fouling a couple off her next at bat. Sadly, four of AJ's six runs were scored on throwing errors by our team, but that's just how it goes in Minor League All Stars.
So, we won't be moving on, but it was a really good experience for Afton playing her first season in All Stars. Even though she played up in Majors all season, she wasn't eligible for Majors All-Stars due to her age. We're already registered for Fall Ball and looking forward to many more fun seasons at the park.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Rocky Point 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Les Miserables
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A new twist
...on duct tape. Drum roll please...
Presenting the duct tape flower clip. I know, I know. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Never let it be said that my offspring lack creativity.
So if you've been to our house, you know that duct tape is a big ticket item. Big as in the kind of thing that Christmas lists and Birthday wishes are made of. Big as in every kid has their own collection with a rainbow of colors and patterns. Big as in they can't wait to get their allowance and make a special trip to Walmart or Michael's to add to their already cool collections.
We've seen creations large and small, from the ever-popular duct tape wallets (there's gotta be at least 20 at our house and many others in the hands of fine people everywhere who have graciously purchased them from my kids at school or out front in the driveway), the incredibly ingenious water bottle holder, the checker board, the cardboard box forts, and now the flower clip. I'm sure I'm missing a few on the list...
Since the family stash (aka the supply purchased by mom & dad for real life duct tape needs) has long since been secretly depleted, Ryan had to borrow a strip from Easton last night to tape the registration inside the trailer. I think the color of choice was neon orange. Or maybe that was the only color he was offering up.
Oh...and how could I forget the recent duct tape boobie trap? That was quite a thriller. One of our offspring (who shall remain nameless) created a web of robe and duct tape with some sort of spring mechanism so that when you went to pull on that child's bedroom door, it felt like someone was pulling back. It's a little hard to describe but it freaked the begeebies out of me when I went to put the stack of folded laundry on the child's bed. Later that night, when said child went upstairs quite late after watching National Treasure 2 with the fam, said child had forgotten about the trap (which was self-created), pulled on the closed door of the dark bedroom, felt the tug, saw the dresser moving and the associated shadows from the moonlight, and started screaming bloody murder at a pitch thus far unheard of in the Brown house (which triggered a stream of over the top blood pressure and general chaos amongst all the other occupants) until we realized that the source of the immense panic was not, in fact, an intruder but merely a very cleverly designed trap. I swear, my heart didn't slow down for about a half hour.
So, ya. Duct tape. It's a keeper at our place....
Monday, June 6, 2011
I'm just here sittin' off the side of the road in my dress and high heels waiting for my Prince Charming to come rescue me. Good times.
Kelli S. Brown
sent from my iPhone
Sunday, June 5, 2011
G&G Goodman
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Our Softball Girls
Friday, June 3, 2011
Diving Lessons
The Makeovers (a la Randi)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
So last night, I checked the mail and probably set a record for checking it two days in a row. It was the first night in a long string of nights that I can remember being home at a decent hour with absolutely nothing on my critical agenda (unless you call folding the five loads of laundry I'd done the day before critical). I didn't think so either.
Much to my delight, a new catalog from a company I'd never heard of before was in the stack of mostly junk mail. It was from Athleta. The picture on the inside cover intrigued me (a seriously musucular woman in her 30's on a tropical beach in a super cute swimsuit). So I grabbed my tall glass of ice water, pulled up a chair at my kitchen table, smiled at my three youngest peeps all cozy in their jammies watching a little wind-down TV before bedtime, and started leisurely parousing the pages. I could've doggy-eared the entire catalog with my wish list. Totally cute suits, super sporty looking running tanks, the comfiest running shorts ever, board shorts, to die for cover ups, yoga pants, and the list goes on and on. I was in heaven... but really just wanted to be in Hawaii on the beach with my honey :)
Long story short, I was super inspired (again) to be fit. What I really loved about this catalog was that the models were not your typical swimsuit or cover girl models. These women were athletes. Super athletes. The kind that ooze "I am one lean muscle and I live strong." All these women looked healthy and fit and lean and ripped. Hence the modeling gig for Athleta I guess. As I laid in bed last night (with no Ryan by my side since he was on night three of six away at scout camp), I wondered what these women really did all day long. Were they professional athletes? Were they moms like me? Were they dual career women, wives, homemakers, runners? Or just super cut models. I'm sure I'll never know, but I was a little inspired for sure. I know that's it's not healthy to compare ourselves to others and certainly not to hold ourselves up to some unrealistic ideal. And I know that after four kids and two C-Sections that I'll never have ripped abs like that. And I'm OK with it. It was a good inspiration. Really. The kind that makes you think, "I can work a little harder. I can push a little more. I can do it." Then I checked the Facebook app on my iPhone and saw my high school friend's Rim to Rim pics from Memorial Day and starting getting excited for our next Rim to Rim journey this September. I can hardly wait!
So this morning when my iPhone alarm beckoned me to wake while my three precious peeps still slept (Barrett was away too at Girl's Camp), I had a little extra spring in my step and little more excitement to start the daily workout. I upped my dumbell weights a couple pounds for the Sculpt routine and pushed it a little harder than the day before. It felt good. Really good. When I was finished I wanted to keep going and head out the door for a run too, but the clock told me it was shower time or I'd never make it out the door for work in time.
I'm already looking forward to my first 3-day weekend of the summer at home (I always have a three-day weekend since I don't work Fridays) with full nights of sleep, great workouts, a long run, and a little Vitamin D by the pool.
Life is good. My kids are happy and healthy. Ryan & Barrett will be home on Saturday and we'll all be back together again. (And I did finally get those 5 loads of laundry folded before bed :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Browns, The Berreys, & The Bear
(Easton, Lily, Bryce, Rowan & Ella on a walk by the creek)
We had such a blast this past Memorial Day weekend up at the cabin. Playing hard, enjoying the weather, spending time with our cousins and friends, and of course, eating too much. I've got a lot of great pics to post for sure.
But the one I really want to post - I don't have. It's the picture of the BEAR!!! Yes, I said BEAR. We had a visitor on Saturday night. The brown, four-legged kind. Crazy, huh? I was in the laundry room ironing our Sunday clothes, and suddenly my mom and I heard a loud crash outside. My mom said, "What the heck was that?" and then we walked around to the kitchen. J.R. opened up the back patio door to check and suddenly yelled out, "It's a bear!!!!!"
"A bear!!!!!"
"Holy crap!" Yes, indeed, a brown bear that was about my waist high on all fours was rummaging through our garbage. J.R. was snapping pictures in the dark (that didn't really turn out) while all of us were huddled around the patio door threshold watching this forest dweller not more than 15 feet away. Rowan was bawling. Easton and Ella didn't want to look. All the other kids were amazed. And so were the rest of us. I started searching for my iPhone so I could snap photos too, but it was nowhere to be found. Know why? Because my scoutmaster husband was out front using the newly installed astronomy app to look at the stars in preparation for the astronomy merit badge he was helping with this week at scout camp. Yes, he was OUTSIDE. With my dad. And my camera. And so was the stinkin bear!
So I yelled out front for them to come in, and instead they went out back to get a little closer to the bear. Ryan got a quick little video of it before it looked up and appeared to be approaching rapidly. The movie is stinkin funny as you hear J.R. and Ryan scambling to get inside and the camera is shaking every which way. Then my camera man recovered a little and caught about 3 seconds of the bear walking away into the forest.
Last night at All-Star tryouts, I was sitting with another mom and found out that her sister's ward girls got sent home early from Camp LoMia over the weekend because a brown bear was harrassing the girls in the atties. Nice. Probably the same stinkin bear since the cabin is less than a mile from Lo Mia. And guess where my firstborn went today? Yep, you guessed it. Camp LoMia. Hope she doesn't get eaten by the bear!