Saturday, September 10, 2011

2 Weeks Away

(last year's pic at the North Kiabab trailhead - the starting line!)

OK, I am seriously getting soooooo excited for our Rim 2 Rim hike exactly two weeks from today.  Not sure why - it's really the hardest physical thing I've ever done - but I am.  Really, truly, honestly so excited.  I just re-read my blog post from last year's R2R (read it HERE) and even though it made me remember some hard things that I might have blocked out (kinda like childbirth), it got me all pumped up again at the same time.  Funny how that works.

I'm excited to be doing it with Ryan again.  He's my best friend in the world and there's no one I'd rather be hiking with.  I'm excited that our crew is so big and awesome this year (26 hikers and 3 drivers). I'm excited that some of our friends are going on their maiden voyage (like Penny Bauer and Ryan Alder and Kourtney Garner).  I'm excited to be in the company of my awesome family, many of which are serious GC Veterans, and to help my Uncle Dale (one of those veterans indeed) celebrate his 65th birthday on our hike day, September 24th.  And I'm excited to add another hash mark to my R2R tally that undoubtedly will keep growing in the years ahead.

And as I type this, I am crazy sore.  My legs burn as I hike up my stairs and I noted a slight waddle, or perhaps shuffle is the better word, as I got out of the Tahoe tonight on the way into dinner.  I worked out so hard the last two days - today was a zillion stadiums and interval sprints - and I'm feeling it.  Thank heaven for the sabbath, a much needed day of rest.  In two sabbaths from tomorrow, we'll all be doing the GC Shuffle on the way into church.  Good times.  I can hardly wait!

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