Sometimes you get lucky enough to catch a glimpse...
Yesterday after school...after the tennies full of sand were kicked off and tossed under the kitchen table and the backpacks strewn across the living room and the pantry raided for the crackers to host the sliced cheese and the crumbs making a nice little pile under the island...(yes, that all happens at my house all too often despite the 1,000 reminders I've issued over the years). And the shoe basket has never once been moved? You'd think they'd remember, wouldn't you?
Well, after all that - I caught a glimpse.
My three youngers all sitting quietly at the kitchen table, each claiming their own side of the 8-chair black square table we all love, each with pencil in hand working...perfectly. Perfectly quiet. Perfectly attentive. Perfectly kind. Pretty much just perfect. With sliced apples and carrot sticks and straight pretzels to keep them focused, it was really a little dreamlike. I almost pulled out the camera to document that moment of serenity. Like I said - I caught a glimpse.
It only lasted about 10 minutes before we had to kick everything into high gear to make the night routine all play out with dinner and ball games.
Tonight, remarkably, I caught another. Just now...with Ryan and Barrett gone to Scouts and Mutual, it was just the three littlest peeps and I - Rowan up at the kitchen counter with her sweet smelling freshly shampooed golden locks hanging down, coloring what will no doubt be another masterpiece for me to display on the office door; Afton playing "I'll Follow Him in Faith" on the piano in prep for tomorrow's lesson, Easton finishing up his All About Me poster and then tackling Cool Math Games on the computer. Everyone happy. Homework all done. Rowan's dishes too. Baths all the way around. Clothes set out for tomorrow.
Like I said...a little glimpse.
I love those times - I think we catch glimpses to keep us going :)