Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tired & Guilty

The two littles stayed home today with hacking coughs.  I probably should've kept them home yesterday too, but I thought it would pass.  Apparently not.  Thank heaven for my mom and Ryan holding down the fort without me and taking care of the two sicklies.  I hate leaving overnight and I hate it even more knowing that the peeps are in need of extra TLC.  Even though I know everything will be just fine, it's just not the same being away from them.  Ryan texted me pics tonight of Easton doing his breathing treatment with Nemo tucked under his arm and I almost cried.  I think I'm just a wee bit sleep deprived too.  Just maybe. No idea why I decided to put off the shut eye another 10 minutes and write.  

Oh, what a long day.  As I type this, gravity is winning on my heavy lids and I've caught myself doing the classic "bob and weave" twice already.  But I'm lying here in this beautiful bed in an over-the-top fabulous cabin up at Promontory in Park City.  Just me and my laptop in a 2200 SF "cabin" wishing all my precious peeps were here with me to enjoy it. I feel a little guilty having this whole place to myself.  Barrett was hoping to be a stow-away in my bag and skip out on school, but not this time.  Truthfully, I can't wait for our next family trip up here.  We all love PC and the family is begging to come again.  Probably not until 4th of July week, but maybe we'll sneak in a couple days of skiing before then.  We'll see.   All the meetings and property tour and dinner went great, but the whole day just needs to end.  And it's almost time.  The last two nights were far too short as far as sleep goes, and this morning's wake up buzzer at 4:00 am to get ready for my crack of dawn flight couldn't have been any less welcome.  But such is life and we are grateful to have good jobs and supportive families and a truly great life.

Tomorrow the littles are visiting Dr. Leslie and Ry goes in to see Dr. Nakra.  Hope it all goes well and hope to have a safe flight home in the morning!

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