Thursday, July 22, 2010

Camping: Beach Style

You can't officially "camp" unless you roast marshmellows, right? Well, that's our theory at least. So we did s'mores a couple of nights and ate marshmellows until our bellies hurt. Nobody hurled, though, so that was a plus. We did somehow incorporate all the "best of" puking stories from our lives during our campfire conversation, and we all laughed until we cried. I think Mike got us all started when he shared Tallin's hurling experience after eating too many s'mores at the last father & son outing. We were rolling.

Bryant, Barrett & Grandpa Steve. Lest you think Grandpa was camping with us, they were just making a cameo appearance for dinner and irresistible evening conversation. Mom & Dad camp in luxury at the Hilton across the street. And I don't blame them. Sometimes it's kinda hard to want to come back and shower up in the token-fed bathhouses and do your business in the camp bathrooms after spending time at the hotel. But I do sleep great at the beach. My cot and cushy padding is surprisingly super comfy. Now if I could only silence the 5:00 am birds that chirp the same full pitch melody over and over and the 6:00 am dog camping one site over....then it would be perfect.

Yes, it's a little gross to think what might have been on Rowan's hands, but they are both licking off the sticky marshmellow residue as only a grandma and grand daughter could.

A little happy are we?

Even Tater got a piece of the action

(Afty roasting hers to perfection)

So I'm noticing a trend in the pictures here...Grandpa Steve's in the background of reach one looking a little sullen, don't you think? Maybe he was just sad that he was going to have to leave our fine tent-ish sleeping accomodations and rough it back in his hotel room. Hmmm....or not....

Shari might kill me for posting this make-up-less picture on my blog, but I'm gonna take my chances. She's so beautiful without a stitch of make-up anyway. Plus my little nephews look stinkin cute in this picture. Tallin and Tate. And there's Bryant's buddy, Brian, in the background. He's like Goodman child #6 - Bryant's best buddy that pretty much tags along on all the good trips with us.

Ryan & Easton just chillin' waiting for s'more time after our fabulous chicken fettucine alfredo dinner. It really was good, but then again, everything you eat at the beach after playing all day seems to taste a little better. I love cookin' out.

Miss Rowan modeling Tannerino's cool beanie. I have to say that she looks pretty model-ish in this picture, don't you think?

This is us. Beach grass. Campfire. Chillin. We love this place.

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