I came home from my run this morning and headed up to the shower, as usual. I turned on the water to get it warmed up and then sat down on the deck of my tub to unlace my shoes. And then I saw this...
Yes, it's a little "to go" cup of fishy crackers. Right by the tub...just where you'd expect them to be, right? Hmmm...were they strategically placed there for me as a symbol of rebellion? Or perhaps just emptied from a pocket the night before as showers began? I had to smile at the irony as I remembered a recent conversation I had with Rowan about the ever-so-controversial fishy cracker:
It was almost two weeks ago now - the day before Ryan was leaving for his week long backpacking adventure outside of San Fran. Rowan was being particularly...how shall I put it...um, let's just call it "spicy"...and I was on the verge of sending her away for a while until I collected my nice-ness again. I can't even remember what triggered her that day (it doesn't take much), but the part I remember was this:
Rowan: "I wish YOU were going away on the backpacking trip and Dad was staying home."
Me: "Hmmmm...is that so?"
Rowan: "Yes, Dad always says yes and you always say NO, NO, NOOOOO!"
Me: "Well, that's interesting. What is it that Dad always says "Yes" to?"
Rowan: "Everytime we go to Sam's Club and I ask you for fishy crackers, you always say NO. But the one time that Dad took us to Costco, we asked him to get fishys and he said "sure." And when I ask dad if I can sleep on the floor or with Afton, he says I can sleep whereever I want. You always tell me to sleep in my bed."
Me, thinking: Yes, points well made, Miss Rowan. Indeed, I do always say no to the fishys because, although delicious, they are full of crap and soooo not good for you. And yes, I'd prefer it if you would sleep in your bed so that I don't have a floor full of blankets to fold the next day and an extra load of sheets to wash since you usually conveniently avoid the mess.
So, in my infinite wisdom as the mother of four :), I come back with this as I try to deploy the gems I've gleaned from my good "Love and Logic" parenting book (which I love):
"Rowan, I can see that you're really upset about the lack of fishy crackers in our house and the fact that I don't let you sleep wherever you want. I'll try to work on saying "yes" more when I can, but I'm still not going to buy anymore fishys. Once this box that you bought with dad is gone, that's it. They're just not good for us. But more importantly, I am really concerned with the way you are speaking to me. That is not how we talk to each other in our house or anywhere for that matter."
Rowan: "Fine. But we will get more fishys!"
Then she stomped away, presumably feeling victorious that she'd "won" the argument, only to come back into my bathroom about 10 minutes later with a big leg hug and "I love you" as if it never happened. Which is typical. My little Miss Rowan is quick to trigger, but also so quick to love. I guess she's got a little Jeckel and Hyde in her, but then again, I'm sure we all do. She's just wired to make the switch in lightning speed...and with the intensity of thunder.
Oh...and one more thing. Before I left for work this morning, the mysterious "fishy's to go" by my tub were all gone...devoured as a pre-breakfast snack by my 7-year old wonder.
Love it - the logic of a 7 yr old is not to be argued with:)