Saturday, November 21, 2009

Teeples Family Dinner

Two Sundays ago, we had a big Teeples Family dinner at our house. The occasion? Celebrating all five of the Teeples sisters being in town at the same time. Plus, we hadn't all been together in a few months. The last time was at the funeral of my Uncle Mick in early August. So it was a good excuse to call up my aunts and uncles and cousins and parents and brother and Grandpa and all their peeps and have a little shindig. Unfortunately, the love of my life was out of town that weekend, visiting his Grandma Brown in Ohio. That was the same day as the Primary Program, too, so he really missed out.

Before the memory fades and the pictures get moved back behind the upcoming holiday pics, I wanted to post some of my awesome family.

Here is my wonderful Grandpa, Reid Teeples, and his five beautiful daughters. After my sweet Grandma Sue died two and a half years ago, Grandpa and Krissie sold thier lifelong Phoenix home at 42nd and Thomas and moved into our neighborhood. Grandpa had been trying to talk Grandma into moving for several years, but she wasn't much into change. We are so happy that they are so close now! Just a jog away. My mom is probably more grateful than anyone, as she makes a few trips to their home every day to care for her baby sister, Kris (who is now 47). I can't imagine how trying that would be if they still lived in Phoenix. Holy moly...

My mom is the oldest, followed by Pauly and Laurie (back row standing but in reverse order), then Nancy and Krissie (front row sitting). Nancy lives outside of Denver, but is considering moving to AZ with my Uncle Randy now that all of their kids have grown up and flown the coop. It helps that Randy's new job has him traveling to AZ often, so they might as well just move here, right? We're excited! Pauly lives in North Pole, Alaska, for the summers, and in AZ now for the rest of the year. A few years ago they bought a house here, and gradually started spending more and more time in AZ. Now that my cousin, Ben, is enrolled at Red Mtn, they've pretty much stationed themselves here during the school year. Hooray!!! My mom, Laurie and Kris are all locals, thank goodness!

My beautiful and oh-so-fabulous SIL, Shari, and the world's best brother, Michael. I couldn't be more blessed to have them in my life! We're gonna miss them this Thanksgiving, though. Shari's grandpa just passed away, so their whole family is driving up to Utah this week. They'll spend Turkey Day with all the Lee clan in Utah, do some visiting of Temple Square (their kids have never been), and have the memorial service on Friday. Drive safe!

Rowan has been soooooooo happy to have her cousin, Lily, in the neighborhood. J.R. & Corinne moved in down the street and around the corner from us just a month or two ago, and we have been lovin' it. So much fun having young cousins around to play with. Lily and Rowan are even in the same kindergarten class together at Hale and the same primary class at church. Both of these beauties are turning 6 in December too. Just a week apart! Yahoo! Lily was over playing today and the girls just get along so well. We love it.

And here's Miss Ella. Easton's little playmate and Lily's little sister. She's got some of Rowan's spunk and a cute blooming personality. Welcome to our neighborhood, Ella!

Michael, my awesome Dad and terrific Uncle Randy, enjoying some good post-dinner conversation. I bet Randy was telling them cool experience or golf story. He has such a great sense of humor, fun demeanor, and is always full of entertaining stories. We love them and we hope the Hatch's find a house in AZ soon!
Aunt Nancy & Uncle Randy Hatch. Their kids are all over the country now. Empty nesters for real. Here's the scoop on their kids (my awesome Hatch cousins):
  1. Brittany and her husband, Derek, & their 4 kids are in Fort Collins, Colorado, while Derek is finishing his residency. He'll be done in May (after 4 years of college, 4 years of med school, and 4 years of residency), and ready to start his "official" career. He already has a job lined up in Oregon or Washington (I can't remember). What a long haul to get there. They came and visited us in June, but we miss them already. We don't see them often enough!
  2. Amanda (aka "Mandy Cakes") is working in SLC and doing well. She is beautiful and fun and such a catch. And we miss our Cakes dearly! My kiddos grew so attached to her for that year or so she lived with my parents after college. We hope she comes to visit us soon!
  3. Nick and his wife, Jenna, and baby Siena, are in Virginia. Nick is in his second year of medical school back there. None of us have seen Siena in person yet (she's brand new), but we've loved keeping up on them through their great blog.
  4. Cami is going to BYU Idaho and living the good college life. I think she's a senior this year! Holy Cow! How did that happen? Cami was the flower girl at my wedding...13+ years ago. Wow.
  5. And then there's Matt, the kaboose of the Hatch clan. He's in his Freshman year at BYU. Rumor has it that he's a dating machine :) He'll be turning in his mission papers next year and getting ready for his two years of service.
So none of the Hatch peeps were at the Teeples family party except for Nancy and Randy. We missed them for sure.

I just had to throw this one in for good measure. Laurie was doing the professional hair fluff and flip in prep for the photo, and we were all cracking up. I love these smiles!

And here's my best friend, my incredible mom, and me, posing for the memory books. I don't know what I'd do without her (and I hope I never have to find out!)

Most of the Goodman/Brown grandkids minus Tate & Easton. Seven out of nine isn't bad. Who knows where they went. They dashed at picture time.

The Emelity crew. They were just missing my cousin, Briana, and her son, Gavin, and of course Uncle Mick, although I'm sure he was looking down that day and smiling. It's been almost three months now since he died, and we miss him so much. My Aunt Laurie is doing pretty well considering, but she definitely has many rough days. I can't imagine losing my spouse at such a young age. We love you, Laurie, and still pray for you all the time! I'm so glad you all came to dinner.

The Berrey crew. My cousin, Davey, is on the far left. Rowan has a huge crush on him and asks about him all the time. She just lights up the minute he walks into the room. In most pictures, my cousin Heather's son, Riley (far right) is typically making a crazy face. He's actually just smiling pretty normal in this one. But Hmmm...look at my Uncle David. I wonder where Riley gets that jokester instinct???

Super good time that day with all the fam together. I wish Ryan, Briana, & Phoebe and the Hatch cousins could have been there and we'd have had 'em all. But still a pretty good showing for a last minute get-together. Good times.

1 comment:

  1. glad to know this great group...hope that Randy and Nancy move into our ward/neighborhood...loved this post and you guys!!!!
