Monday, November 30, 2009

Our 8-legged Visitor

Church is over. We pull into the driveway and park the Tahoe in front of the RV gate since the garage floor is currently covered with Christmas lights and other would-be decorations waiting to be hung. Click the opener and proceed to the door.
Barrett: "Oh my gosh!"
We all look up and see this little creature on the wall of the garage. Actually, it doesn't look little at all. Here he/she/it is after Ryan swooped her onto the floor with the giant broom. Now we get the full close-up look.

Ryan thought it might actually be a tarantula. I have no idea, but I wasn't thrilled to find it in our garage. He/she/it didn't live too much longer after this picture was snapped. Being the good outdoorsman and respector of nature that he is, Mr. Scoutmaster husband suggested that we just set it free. But I won and he/she/it is no more.

What do you think it is? Just a garden variety spider? Wolf Spider? Any guesses?


  1. Oh my gosh...that is freakin huge!! Not only scorpions, but tarantulas now! I don't know if I can come over anymore. j/k :)

  2. I have no idea what kind of spider that is. It would not have survived at my house either. Good job on the Turkey Trot! Hopefully I can be there next year and we will beat that Turkey or at least I wish!

  3. Wolf Spider. We have them all the time. They get huge and hairy! They are even more exciting when they have 100o babies on their back! They are harmless though just really, really ugly!
