Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Growing Up happens so fast. I still have vivid memories of being pregnant with this girl. I remember when she was the only grandbaby on the Brown side (she's the oldest), and she'd provide all the entertainment at our family get-togethers. We'd put jewelry or other objects on the floor at one end of the room and watch her crawl. We'd tickle her and watch her belly laugh so hard that we were all in tears. We played with her chunky rolls on her legs and kissed her adorable cheeks.

Now, she's getting so grown up. She'll be going into Young Women's this year at church. Wearing makeup soon. She's already got the cell phone. She's quick to join the adult conversations and always there when I need her. I love this girl beyond words. Way beyond! To infinity and beyond...


  1. I love this girl too! I still can't believe how grown up she is.

  2. it is true...Barrett's growing up so beautifully!! I LOVE HER AND I LOVE HER MAMA TOO!!
