Monday, October 26, 2009

100 Random Things I Love no particular order:
  1. Graham crackers and milk before bed.
  2. Cinnamon/Pumpkin candles
  3. Picking up my pictures
  4. Playing Clue
  5. Sour jelly bellies
  6. Cherry Pie
  7. Laying out on a raft
  8. Shopping by myself
  9. Reading on the beach
  10. Hot tamales
  11. Sitting by the fire
  12. my iMac
  13. Curling my eyelashes
  14. Cool mornings
  15. Looking at Christmas lights
  16. "I Know that My Redeemer Lives"
  17. My SLR camera
  18. Afton's laugh
  19. Ryan's morning fruit shakes
  20. Filet mignon, medium
  21. Raspberry Lemonade
  22. Walking my girls to the bus stop
  23. Scrapbooking
  24. Rainbow watermelon suckers
  25. Pedicures
  26. Freshly highlighted hair
  27. Vacuum lines
  28. Pay day
  29. Pink grapefruit with sugar
  30. 80's music
  31. Making cards
  32. Clean bathroom
  33. Friday mornings
  34. Luca's in Rocky Point
  35. Rainy days
  36. Spicy chili
  37. Cinnamon rolls
  38. High heels
  39. Curled hair
  40. Manicured lawn
  41. Happy kids
  42. Double dates
  43. Watching bubbles
  44. New Year's Day
  45. 14 days of Valentine's
  46. My green chili pork burros
  47. Red Robin fries
  48. Black comfy pants
  49. Volleyball
  50. Editing pictures
  51. Blogging
  52. Chocolate milkshakes
  53. Full tank of gas
  54. Fresh fruit
  55. Looking through scrapbooks
  56. Finished laundry
  57. Snow
  58. Ryan's arm around me
  59. Sharp scissors
  60. Taking pictures
  61. Christmas party
  62. Corn on the cob
  63. Time at the cabin
  64. Fresh & Easy
  65. Bean burro, enchilada style
  66. 8 hours of sleep
  67. Sewing 
  68. Chips & salsa
  69. Chinese food with Ryan
  70. Going to Diamondbacks games
  71. Lunch with Ann & Jackie
  72. One on one time with my kids
  73. iPhone
  74. New makeup
  75. Flip flops
  76. Dressing up
  77. Family vacations
  78. Super fast roller coasters
  79. Magic Mountain
  80. Krispy Kremes
  81. Temple dates
  82. Lemon Meringue pies
  83. My ultra comfortable bed
  84. 4 pillows
  85. Running shoes
  86. The gospel
  87. Leftover turkey
  88. Decorating the tree
  89. Picnics at the zoo
  90. Fun jewelry
  91. Easton's fresh hair cuts
  92. My scrapbook room
  93. Breakfast burritos
  94. Sunday afternoons
  95. Michael's smile
  96. Tanned legs
  97. Jacuzzi dates
  98. Dill pickles
  99. A set table
  100. Clean sheets


  1. I thought for sure shaving your legs was going to be on that list, since you do it every day. LOL

  2. I do it everyday, but it's certainly not something I LOVE. Just want to have silky smooth ones all the time!

  3. I feel like I know you a little more now. :) I did know a lot of those, but some of them was new information. I might have to steal this idea...very cute!
