Saturday, October 3, 2009

Women & Children Only

Tonight all of our men were attending the Priesthood session of General Conference via satellite broadcast up at the church.   So all of us women got together with the kiddos over at Gene Autry Park for some pizza and play time.  It was fun visiting with my SIL's, Jessie & Jayme, along with Grandma Cindy, Grandma Cheri, and Cheri's friend from work, Kristin.   We had 12 kids there altogether.  Pictured above is my niece, Avery, and our monkey child, Afton.  They are the best of friends!  Both are almost 9 - I can hardly believe it!

Easton wanted very much to keep up with the big kids, so here he is showing off his monkey skills too.

And Rowan too.  I didn't catch Rowan's picture before she sat down.  When I pulled out the camera, she was standing on top of this thing, which reminds me of a couple things.  First, it reminded me of last weekend over at Mike & Shari's house.  They have a very tall swing set in their backyard, with monkey bars spanning end to end.  Rowan climbed to the top, stood at full height, and was jumping off of them onto the trampoline.  We were inside visiting, when Shari said nervously, "Do you want Rowan to be doing that?"  I looked outside and she was in full jump mode.  I quickly sprang up and went outside, asking her to please get down.  I used the excuse that the little ones (Easton or Tate) might see her doing that and think they should try too.  She replied with, "What, this?  I've already done it like five times."  Then she jumped off again.  Such confidence at age 5.  

Seeing her on this death contraption tonight also reminded me of my playground days of yore.  Seriously, I think this is one of the most dangerous monkey bar set ups ever invented.  I knocked my chin so hard on so many occasions growing up as I tried to slip down through the bars from the top.  Bad news.  As I shared this story with my kids in my protective mom tone, they simply told me, "Mom, you're just not doing it right." Oh, well, then... that settles that.  I just wasn't doing it right.  

Afty Cakes climbing the pole.  Such a climber.  Truly, she could be part monkey.  She once scaled the doorway leading into her bathroom. Why, you ask?  Just because she can.  Here's the proof from that choice night.  

Now, now...don't call in the authorities.  This picture was totally innocent.  Little Grady was wearing some hand me down shorts from his big brother, and apparently they're still a little too big.  On the third or fourth time we found him walking with his drawers dropped, we couldn't resist taking a picture.  Jayme finally got fed up with following him around and pulling them up, so she eventually stripped him down to his t-shirt, diaper, and tennies.  So stinkin' funny.

Easton is my swinger.  He loves loves loves for me to push him super high so he can try and "touch the sky" as he says.  And his giggle is just contagious as he swings.  It's like pure joy.  Yesterday morning I was outside cleaning my windows with my little shadow by my side.  Of course, he asked me to push him on the swing (as he always does), so we took a little break from the housework and enjoyed the incredible morning outside.  I love those times together. 

Here's Rowan and her cousin, Lainey, both gorgeous as can be.  Both are in all-day kindergarten this year and both will be 6 very soon.  Lainey's birthday is in 3 weeks and Rowan's in December.  They, too, are the best of friends.  There's a big sidewalk that wraps around the whole park area - full circle.  These two thought it would be fun to "take a lap" all the way around.  So they ran and ran and ran.  Needless to say, Rowan sacked out on the floor about 5 minutes after her bath tonight.


Here is my very charming nephew, Cohen.  He always makes me smile with that adorable face and too-cute-for words little boy glasses.  He and Easton and good buds.  He has come such a long way with all his surgeries over the past 3+ years.  The doctors did a terrific job repairing his cleft palette and creating a top lip for him.  He's one terrific little guy.

Trey & Avery enjoying some quick dinner.  What's up with the Hawaiian theme you ask?  Oh, nothing.  While I took an hour to run up to Ann Taylor Loft today between conference sessions, my kids just thought it would be fun to tour the Harris Park neighborhood garage sale going on this weekend.   So apparently they picked up a whole bag of these little gems, along with a bunch of other random garage sale type stuff, all for the meager price of $4.  One man's trash is another man's treasure. Barrett proclaimed it a shopping success.  

Little Miss Jolie hardly ever smiles for me.  She just gives me the look.  You know the one.  This one actually.  It's the "You lookin' at me?" look.  But she's so dang cute it doesn't really matter if she smiles or not.  Someday she'll grow to love her Aunt Kelli and flash those pearly whites for me.

And here's our little man, finishing up his pizza, and indulging with a little Orange Crush.  It was a great evening at the park for sure.   Too bad I didn't get any pics of Barrett and her friend, Karynn, to add to our memoirs.  But they were off on their own much of the time, eating together and chatting away at the ramada on the complete opposite side of the park, playing in the sand volleyball courts, and doing their own thing.  Pre-teens.  Both are turning 11 this month and apparently need their space.  My mother-in-law tells me it only gets worse...


  1. Those are some super cute pictures. It also helps that all the kids are super cute to make them super cute pictures.

  2. It was so fun. I am excited to have this nice weather that we can have many more fun times at the park! I love that all our little ones get along so well. That picture of Grady is hilarious. BTW...great job on the running! Way to go girl!

  3. That looks like such fun. Oh and I am very impressed by your running. I was the queen of blisters when running. The best thing I used was this stuff that was similar to nail polish you would put on prone areas to blister and a little mole skin. Awesome job!!!

  4. Cool pics mom! Karynn and I were off talking and just so you know we weren't ignoring you! We were acting if we were stranded on a deserted island, and who we would choose to be with.
