Monday, August 17, 2009

Lucky 13

Thirteen years ago on August 17th, 1996, it was a smokin’ hot Saturday. Ryan and I decided that despite the crazy summer Arizona heat, we wanted to get married before he started back to college for the year. We had high hopes of going on a fabulous honeymoon (which we did) and wanted to do that before ASU started up. (Not to mention the fact that I had been waiting an eternity – 10 whole months – for him to propose, so I was happy to have a quick 2-month engagement.)

Last weekend, Ryan and I were reminicsing about some of our early dating memories (music we listened to, things we did, how we felt). I told Ryan that I knew he was "THE ONE" so early on in our relationshiop. Our first date was in August 1995, and by late September, I knew. I knew he was the love of my life. I knew he was the one I’d marry. I knew we’d be great together.

And I was right. He is the love of my life. We are great together. No doubt about it. So today, in honor of our Lucky 13, I’m posting 13 of my favorite “us” pictures. We have sure had some great times together, with many, many more to come.

But first... here are 13 little reasons (in no particular order) why I am so crazy about him:

1) He makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world.
2) He surprises me on random occasions with a bag of sour jelly bellies – my all time favorite treat.
3) He signs me up for scrapbook classes because he knows I love it and because he knows I usually won’t do it myself.
4) He anxiously looks forward to every date with me.
5) He always tells the kids (in front of me) how much he loves mom, then follows it up with a little smooch (to make them giggle and smile). I love that they know we are in love.
6) He makes me a fruit shake just about every morning I work, and has it ready for me on my way out the door.
7) He puts his arm around me and pulls me close when we sit together.
8) He loves to talk to me, ask about my days, and is genuinely interested in what I have to say.
9) He works hard for our family and is always trying to improve our lives.
10) He loves our four children with all his heart.
11) He treats both his parents and mine with so much love and respect.
12) He senses when I need a little "me" time, and encourages me to take the time to do things for myself (go on a run, get my nails done, get out of the house for a while).
13) He is incredibly romantic and passionate about "us."

Could I be an luckier?

Freestone Park 9/08

Lake Tahoe 5/98

Isn't he handsome?

Cancun May '05

Ryan's ASU graduation

Park City Jan' 08 (one of my favorite trips!)

Hiking the trail behind the Cabin (Pine, AZ) 8/08

Vegas for Ryan's birthday 1/8/05 (loved this trip too)

A little "Rebel Yell" going on here. Halloween Party 2003

Ft. Lauderdale May 2003

Kauai June 2009

Our first Christmas party together - Ryan's apartment Dec. 1995


  1. 13 years already! Wow! I am so glad you came into our family. You are a wonderful SIL and great friend! Love ya! Congrats to you both.

  2. wow Kelli...what a great tribute to are a lucky girl and wow to Ryan...your Kelli is pretty darn loveable SO NO WONDER!!!
