Sunday, August 9, 2009

Something Old, Something New...

Something old, something new, something...

Today I am just thinking about the old and new part of the famous 4-liner (forget about the borrowed and blue).  The "old" is something I have loved very much.  Something that has been such a part of me for the past three years.  The "old" is good and comfortable and has been a huge growing experience for me.   The "old" is where my children are, where my faith has grown, and where I have loved to serve.  The "old" is the church calling I just got released from this morning: counselor in the primary presidency.  Man, what a tremendous calling that has been.  I am going to miss those little souls more than I can say.  And more than anything, I am going to miss being with my four angels each week.   

In sacrament meeting today, right after the Bishop announced the releasings and sustainings, my sweet Afton leaned over, and with small tears forming in her serious eyes, asked, "Mom, does that mean you're not coming to primary with us ever again?"  As I quietly explained that I now had a new calling and opportunity to serve outside of primary, she seemed confused and hesitant to accept my explanation.    Then those intent brown eyes bore into me and she asked, "Mom, did you want to leave?"  I was unsuccessful holding back my tears as I truthfully offered a simple, "Oh no, Afton.  I am very sad too."

Thankfully I know that there is a time and a season for everything.  And it is now someone else's time to serve with our most valiant youth and to have the same rich blessings that I have enjoyed these past three years.    Our children are in such great hands.  The women in the new presidency are truly the cream of the crop!   

So that brings me to the "new" part.  My new calling is Ward Activities Director.   Wow.  As the bishopric member counseled yesterday, I am in charge of the fun.  Ward parties, activities, socials, campouts.  That's me.  I can do fun.  At least I'll give it my best shot.   Like every calling I've had in my life, I am sure it will be a good experience and an opportunity to try something new, to make new friendships, and to enjoy the journey along the way.


  1. That will be a great calling for you. But I know you will miss Primary a ton.

  2. You are perfect for that calling! I know you will miss Primary and they will miss you...but what a cool new calling!
