I've been sitting in this chair for a little too long this afternoon. Work shmirk! So glad I just sent off the email and analysis to our client and that now I can take a few minutes to write. I just got done checking on my regular blogs, and my eyes are teary. One thing I love about reading my families and friends' blogs is that it allows us to share emotion and insight and perspective, even though miles may separate us. One of my fabulous cousins who lives out of state is struggling right now with much in her life. I remember having some of those same feelings years ago when I was single and looking for direction, not to mention wondering where the love of my life was hiding out. I am thankful that there is a time and a season for all of our trials, regardless of what they may be, and that as we look back with the benefit of hindsight and the wisdom gained from enduring the trial, we can see the growth and progress on our path. I hope that she finds joy in her journey.
I am grateful that 14 years ago I found my true love. I am grateful that I am still madly in love with him and that he adores me like he does. I am finding joy in my journey every day and loving that I have my best friend trekking along the path with me. I love that I still get excited to go out on a date with him, and that I feel the desire to get a little "gussied up" before he takes me out on the town. This morning, as I ran out the door to make my 9:30 appointment with our new IT company crew, Ryan planted a kiss on me and told me that I looked amazing. I was just wearing shorts and a cute little top, no big deal, but my hair was down and curled and my lips were freshly glossed. And even though my romantic husband says little things like that to me all the time, he still makes me blush and smile like a school girl without fail.
Cute. I love it.