Thursday, September 10, 2009


This morning was glorious. I left the house at 5:50am for my run. The sun was itching to peek over the horizon, but was still tucked a few minutes away. The cool morning breeze was so welcomed. I even had some goose bumps pop as I stretched. It’s been many months since that happened. My neighborhood was still at rest, or at least in hiding. And so I ran and ran and loved it. It was the best I’ve felt in a while. Such a contrast to Tuesday morning when I started a little too late (7:30), felt suffocated by the motionless air and layer of humidity, was bogged down by the overindulgence of food I ate over the weekend at the cabin, and was wishing the sun away with all my might. That day, Tuesday, I was having all kinds of self doubts.

Why am I running again?

Am I insane thinking that I can run a half-marathon?

Is it worth it?

But today…today was entirely different.
Today I conquered the road.
Today my legs and lungs were in synch and carried me well.
Today I reminded myself that I can do hard things.

Every day won’t be like today, but that’s OK. That’s part of life.

I found a quote I love by Teddy R:

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

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