A couple of times this season, when Ryan has had the 6:00 early game, he’s taken the kids out with him, which they love. I’m not sure if they love it because they’re watching their daddy play ball, because they are outside and fancy free, because they get to buy something at the snack bar, or some combination of all of that, but they love it. Last Thursday night was one of those nights. I too would have loved to have been there, but Thursday is one of my work days and I’m lucky if I leave the office by 6:00. So making that early game would have been impossible. Plus I had a hair appointment scheduled. (Barrett took the picture above just outside the gate at the park).
After my hair appointment, I got home just before 8:00. The house was silent and dark. Clearly, I was the first one back. I was surprised that I’d beat the crew home as they should have been back by 7:30. I was hoping that they would have all been bathed when I got there. I know better. So I changed and ate and tidied up a bit, still wondering where they were. Barrett finally called to let me know they were on their way, and that they’d just gone to Krispy Kreme.
That explains it.
I asked her if they brought me any leftovers. She said, “Dad didn’t think you’d want any since you are in training, but I told him we couldn’t come home without one, so we brought you one.”
One. One stinkin’ Krispy Kreme!
Ryan was right. I am in training and I have been passing up most desserts and watching what I eat. But still. Krispy Kremes! How could they bring just one??? Occasionally at my office, someone will bring food into the kitchen to share. When it’s donuts, I always partake. Always. A good friend of mine at work, Richard, has said on more than one occasion that he can really just eat like half of a Krispy Kreme because otherwise he just feels awful. Is he for real? Who eats half a Krispy Kreme? With only slight pause as I contemplate the massive caloric intake I’m about to consume, I could easily down a half dozen myself in one day. Maybe a full dozen (I’ve never tried thanks to the blessing of will power). But really, it’s like a little slice of heaven.
Here are my peeps as they looked walking in the door.
I am addicted to donuts. It's not good this late in a pregnancy. I can't eat just one. Yesterday, it was 3.5 during the morning outside chore work. Ryan must love you tons to only bring one :)